Assemblyman Alex Sauickie recently commented on the meaning of Veterans Day and the debt owed to all who served. His home county of Ocean has one of the highest concentrations of veterans in the state.

“As Veterans Day 2022 approaches, it’s vitally important not only to honor those who have served in the Armed Forces, but also to remember that many vets need much more than a single day’s attention,” Sauickie (R-Ocean) said.

Sauickie noted that the evolution of November 11 from World War I’s Armistice Day to Veterans Day has rightly resulted in an annual recognition of all veterans and their sacrifices.

“Veterans can face many consequences of their military service, including physical injuries, psychological trauma, family problems and more,” Sauickie continued. “While the federal VA provides benefits and services to address these issues, the state must backstop the federal government and fill in any gaps.”  

Sauickie noted that his early service on the Assembly Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee has given him greater insight into issues involving veterans, members of the military including the National Guard and reserve components, and their families.

“With the joint base nearby drawing in families from all over, I’ve found that one of the many ways to help veterans is to make life easier for the future veterans who are currently serving. That means everything from allowing relevant military training and education to count toward licensing and certification for work here, to ensuring a smooth transition for military spouses to work in New Jersey, to making it easier for children of military families to adjust to a New Jersey school, and much more,” Sauickie said.

Recognizing that veterans of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq, and combat in Panama, Grenada, Somalia and elsewhere may call New Jersey home, Sauickie said the state must continue to expand veterans’ programs, services and benefits.

“How do you try to pay a debt that really never can be fully paid? You keep up the effort, maintain the commitment, and do all you can, even as you know it will never be enough,” Sauickie concluded.
